Longing for Lake Toba - Lake Toba is located in the province of North Sumatra, which is the center of favorite destinations because of its beauty around several regencies in the province of North Sumatra. A brief history of the origin of Lake Toba is that it tells the story of a farmer named Pak Toba who breaks his promise to his wife, until a catastrophe occurs. The occurrence of the disaster was in the form of heavy rains that inundated the entire village and became a lake called now Lake Toba.
The route to Lake Toba this time on Saturday, June 18, 2022, starts from the city of Medan passing about 163 km for about 3-4 hours (via Tebing Tinggi Toll Road with a toll fee of Rp. 58.500, -) to Ajibata Port. Upon arrival at the port, make sure car follows the entry queue first before boarding the KMP Ihan Batak ship. If you have entered the queue, passengers can get off and freely do activities around the port while waiting for the existing departure schedule. Our car along with 30s of other cars got the opportunity to leave at 17:30 WIB with a car ticket price + passengers Rp. 170.000, - to Ambarita Port.
The interesting thing about this trip is that the Ihan Batak ship provides seating on board and on the ship's grounds which allows us to sit outside enjoying the trip while looking at the beauty the nature of Lake Toba. Oh yes 15 minutes after the ship set sail, there was a sincere and simple manortor performance of five young girls batak people.
Are you sure you haven't visited Lake Toba yet?