Friday, 17 June 2022
in Travel
22. 11. 28
posted by: Irawaty Evalina Sitanggang
Hits: 414

Ulos Hutaraja Pardamean Village - (Continued) upon arrival at Ambarita Port because it started in the afternoon, the next route drove to Pangururan Hot Springs. In gmaps the name of the point is Aek Rangat (meaning hot water) pangururan which is a hot spring containing sulfur. While enjoying the warm atmosphere of bathing in hot springs, in the bath visitors can order warm food such as Gomak Noodles (the noodles are similar to spaghetti) which are given gravy, noodle snacks instant and warm drinks. And after an exciting trip it's time to take a break.

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Photo of Irawaty E. Sitanggang with the KMP Ihan Batak Ship on June 17, 2022
in Travel
22. 06. 22
posted by: Irawaty Evalina Sitanggang
Hits: 751

Longing for Lake Toba - Lake Toba is located in the province of North Sumatra, which is the center of favorite destinations because of its beauty around several regencies in the province of North Sumatra. A brief history of the origin of Lake Toba is that it tells the story of a farmer named Pak Toba who breaks his promise to his wife, until a catastrophe occurs. The occurrence of the disaster was in the form of heavy rains that inundated the entire village and became a lake called now Lake Toba.

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